
Orkestra can ensure some code is running only once at a time across all the running jobs via the orkestra-lock library/plugin. We can do so by adding the dependency in build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "tech.orkestra" %% "orkestra-lock" % orkestraVersion

Then we can use the Lock class to create a lock and use it either awaiting the potential release of the lock:

import tech.orkestra.lock.Lock

def deploy(environment: String) = Lock(environment).orWait {
  println(s"Deploying on $environment")

Or by running another function if the lock is already acquired:

import tech.orkestra.lock.Lock

def deploy(environment: String) = Lock(environment).orElse {
  println(s"Deploying on $environment")
}(throw new IllegalStateException("A deployment is already going on right now"))