If you’d like to pass parameters to a job you can add the corresponding UI elements, here is an example:
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._
// Note that the signature of the function now contains the types of the parameters
lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(String, Boolean) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
Input[String]("Git ref"),
Checkbox("Run tests?")
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests) =>
println(s"Building app for Git ref $gitRef${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""}")
As you can see on the above screenshot it also supports drop-down lists via Enumeratum,
so let’s try that out!
First of all we need to add the Enumeratum dependency in build.sbt
// Not the triple %%% to import the cross compiled JS/JVM version
libraryDependencies += "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % "Enumeratum version"
Then we can refine the previous code to include the drop-down:
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._
import enumeratum._
// We declare the enum
sealed trait Environment extends EnumEntry
object Environment extends Enum[Environment] {
case object Prod extends Environment
case object Staging extends Environment
case object QA extends Environment
val values = findValues
lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(String, Boolean, Environment) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
Input[String]("Git ref"),
Checkbox("Run tests?"),
Select("Deploy on", Environment, Option(Environment.QA))
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests, env) =>
println(s"Building app from Git ref $gitRef${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""} and deploying on $env")
Let’s have a deeper look at the Input
s can also be used for other types like Int
or Double
, all you need to do is specifying the type you want to
use: Input[Int]("Some Int")
We can also define default values: Input[Double]("Some Double", default = Option(4.2))
It is a good practice to type as much as possible and therefore avoid generic types like String
s. Orkestra is able to
handle any case class of one argument:
import tech.orkestra._
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._
// We create our better typed Git Ref
case class Ref(value: String) extends AnyVal
// Note that we use Ref instead of the generic String
lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(Ref, Boolean) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
Input[Ref]("Git ref"),
Checkbox("Run tests?")
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests) =>
println(s"Building app from Git ref ${gitRef.value}${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""}")
Here the text entered by the user will be wrapped into the Ref
case class and given to the Job
By default Checkbox
s are not checked but you can make them checked: Checkbox("Run tests?", checked = true)