
If you’d like to pass parameters to a job you can add the corresponding UI elements, here is an example:

import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._

// Note that the signature of the function now contains the types of the parameters
lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(String, Boolean) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
  Input[String]("Git ref"),
  Checkbox("Run tests?")
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests) =>
  println(s"Building app for Git ref $gitRef${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""}")



As you can see on the above screenshot it also supports drop-down lists via Enumeratum, so let’s try that out!
First of all we need to add the Enumeratum dependency in build.sbt:

// Not the triple %%% to import the cross compiled JS/JVM version
libraryDependencies += "com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % "Enumeratum version"

Then we can refine the previous code to include the drop-down:

import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._
import enumeratum._

// We declare the enum
sealed trait Environment extends EnumEntry
object Environment extends Enum[Environment] {
  case object Prod extends Environment
  case object Staging extends Environment
  case object QA extends Environment
  val values = findValues

lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(String, Boolean, Environment) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
  Input[String]("Git ref"),
  Checkbox("Run tests?"),
  Select("Deploy on", Environment, Option(Environment.QA))
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests, env) =>
  println(s"Building app from Git ref $gitRef${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""} and deploying on $env")


Let’s have a deeper look at the Input:
Inputs can also be used for other types like Int or Double, all you need to do is specifying the type you want to use: Input[Int]("Some Int").

We can also define default values: Input[Double]("Some Double", default = Option(4.2)).

It is a good practice to type as much as possible and therefore avoid generic types like Strings. Orkestra is able to handle any case class of one argument:

import tech.orkestra._
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model.JobId
import tech.orkestra.parameter._

// We create our better typed Git Ref
case class Ref(value: String) extends AnyVal

// Note that we use Ref instead of the generic String
lazy val parametersJobBoard = JobBoard[(Ref, Boolean) => Unit](JobId("parameters"), "Parameters")(
  Input[Ref]("Git ref"),
  Checkbox("Run tests?")
lazy val parametersJob = Job(parametersJobBoard) { implicit workDir => (gitRef, runTests) =>
  println(s"Building app from Git ref ${gitRef.value}${if (runTests) " and running tests" else ""}")

Here the text entered by the user will be wrapped into the Ref case class and given to the Job function.


By default Checkboxs are not checked but you can make them checked: Checkbox("Run tests?", checked = true)