
When playing with files we often need to change directories, so you might wonder if we do that in Orkestra!
First of all this is now time to explain what the implicit workDir. This implicit is used for example by the function sh() as seen in Shell scripts to know where to run the shell script.
So if we’d like to change directory we would use the function dir that changes the current directory only for the scope of the function passed to it:

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import tech.orkestra._
import tech.orkestra.Dsl._
import tech.orkestra.board._
// We import the directories DSL
import tech.orkestra.utils.Directories._
import tech.orkestra.job._
import tech.orkestra.model._
import tech.orkestra.utils.Shells._

lazy val directoryJobBoard = JobBoard[() => Unit](JobId("directory"), "Directory")()
lazy val directoryJob = Job(directoryJobBoard) { implicit workDir => () =>
  Await.result(for {
    // Create the directory subDir
    _ <- sh("mkdir subDir")
    // Moving in the subDir
    _ <- dir("subDir") { implicit workDir =>
      // Print the working directory
  } yield (), 1.second)

Note that we need to take this implicit workDir => again in the function passed to dir.


When dealing with files in Scala we usually use the In Orkestra as we can change the current working directory we need the relative File to be aware of it. This is why we have the LocalFile class that extends File so that we can use it in Scala or Java libraries.
Here is an example of how to use it:

import tech.orkestra.filesystem._

def createFile()(implicit workDir: Directory): Unit = { 
  dir("subDir") { implicit workDir =>